Friday, July 23, 2010

Great Day at the Beach

Today I took 6 teenagers to the beach for the day, and we had a great time. Kelsey decided not to go since she was invited to spend the day at a park with her cousins. At the beach the first two hours were sunny and windy, but the rest of the time was sunny and warm. Conner got a picture of me with the wind blowing through the hood of my coat - I look like a smurf :) Conner and Josh had fun playing soccer and went on a 4-mile run as part of their training plan for soccer. They were supposed to run 7 miles today, but they figured 4 miles on sand was the equivalent of 7 miles on concrete - works for me :) I couldn't run 1/4 of a mile in sand! The girls were crazy, of course, and had fun doing jumps off of logs, throwing sand in the wind, running along the waves, eating elephant ears, writing in the sand, doing photo shoots, and singing to their favorite songs in the car.

1 comment:

Amy Guse said...

Once again, best pictures ever!! I love your camera!!!