Sunday, February 27, 2011

2nd Annual Game Day

We had SO much fun at Game Day at Grandma and Grandpa's today! Sara, Kelsey, Maggie, and Abby spent the night to "help" Grandma get ready. Kelsey and Sara had sewn 21 bandanas for each of us to wear and also sewed 2 tablecloths for the big day. The girls made signs and made sure to write on the sign that no cell phones were allowed! I laughed so hard while playing "Spot It" with Dad, Jim, and Amy! It was fun to see everyone have such a great time being together. Of course, there were tons and tons of snacks and then pizza was delivered for dinner! Mom and Dad, you're amazing! You are masters at creating very special times which will always be remembered!

Monday, February 21, 2011


We had a great weekend spending time with our friends from Seattle. Katie has been one of my very best friends for over 20 years, so we've had lots of great times together - this weekend was one of the most special. Each time we get together, the dynamics change with the kids because of their ages. This is the first time we have spent together where all of the kids are school age - it allowed us to do many more things, but it also was different because a 4th grade boy and a 5th grade girl are now at the ages where they don't really play together as much. In previous times together, Reed and Kelsey spent lots and lots of time playing school, Calico Critters, etc. Conner was one who was sought after almost the entire weekend, but the girls really did well (after it became obvious that we needed to talk about how to give to other people to make sure that they have fun). I was so proud of Kelsey and McKenzie because they both really changed their perspective and were very giving to both Reed and Cade. All 9 of us walked up to Starbucks, with the boys throwing the football back and forth to each other almost the whole way there. We went to Sky High for some trampoline jumping (the parents played air hockey...). The kids played hours of basketball with our small hoop, and the adults did a 9-mile training walk! We also got to have a date night at the Venetian in Hillsboro and then came home and played several games with the kids. Katie and I got to have some girl time at the coffee shop this morning. I can't remember the last time I have ever talked so much in my life - which might be why I've had a sore throat for two days! I also have never seen so many shoes by our front door.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentines Day!

We had a very nice Valentine's Day today! The kids and Peter woke up to little gifts at the kitchen table. After work, I came home to beautiful roses and a gift certificate to one of our favorite yogurt shops! I also came home to folded laundry and a clean bathroom - what a bonus! Kelsey made cards for all of us and little name cards for the dinner table. She also made brownies (after McKenzie changed her mind about making them....we had a discussion about the Little Red Hen at dinner, and McKenzie missed out on getting to eat the brownies)! She still got to have ice cream, though, so she wasn't too disappointed.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Kenzie's Pictures

I love it when McKenzie takes pictures - I think she really has an eye for some pretty neat shots. Here are a few of her most recent pictures. I would never think of taking a picture of reflector in the street!

Winter Semi-Formal

There are so many things we are grateful for at Conner's new school. Tonight is Conner's winter semi-formal at Westside, and we are so excited about how it is all organized. All of the kids at the school are encouraged to attend. They can come with a date if they want, but they are not "pressured" into having a date. They all get dressed up and then have a sit-down, formal dessert at the school along with a talent show where different "contestants" perform who have raised money for a charity. This year the contestants have been raising money so children with cancer can attend a camp. Conner and a group of guys went out for dinner before hand and then went to the party at school. Dancing isn't even a part of the evening - which is so much different than the winter semi-formals we had in high school! Conner would not have had any interest in going to the party if he would have had to ask a date and then had to dance with her! I think it's so neat that he gets to be an environment where he really feels like he can be himself and not feel pressured to ask girls out, etc. He seemed excited about going, so we're hoping that he's having a great time!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Peter's Weekend in Wisconsin!

Peter had a wonderful time visiting his family and watching the Packers beat the Steelers in the Superbowl! Thanks to our niece, Erin, Peter was able to get a standby ticket to Chicago. We weren't sure he was going to be able to go because of the huge snowstorm last week, but he easily made it on the flight and took a bus from Chicago to Milwaukee without any difficulty. He spent lots of time just hanging with the family, going on walks, eating tons of hot wings at BW3's, and going out for custard a couple of times (I'm jealous!). Kim sent home a Kopp's custard menu, and we found out we can have a minimum of 10 cartons of custard shipped to us for $150! Terry and Debbie invited the family over on Saturday, and Peter said Debbie had some delicious snacks :) He also drove by the first house his family lived in (second picture above) before they moved to Waukesha. They moved to a bigger house after Margaret was born, as 8 people were probably a bit too many for a house with only one bathroom! We were very happy to have him arrive home safely last night!

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Way to go, Conner!

Conner just finished up his first semester and made the honor roll! We are so happy for him, as he has worked very hard this semester! We are going to be celebrating his great accomplishment after Peter gets back from Wisconsin!

What Really Matters

It's funny how certain things I hear really make me think, especially when I least expect it. This week I was reading the news, and I read about Bill Walton's advice to Greg Oden. He was suggesting that Greg Oden move to Hawaii to focus on himself and to figure out what really matters in this life. Walton shared that he's learned that health and family are the important things in life and said all the rest is just "stuff." I think it's interesting how a very wealthy and successful person lets us know that fame, glory, money, etc. is not all it's portrayed to be. It won't matter if we have all the success in the world but our kids don't remember spending time with us. It won't matter if we buy wonderful things and go on many wonderful trips if our kids' most vivid memories are fights in our home. I am working on appreciating more and more the "ordinary" moments that happen like eating dinner together, praying with Kelsey before she goes to sleep, going on walks with Peter, sitting on McKenzie's bed and talking with her about friends and school before she goes to sleep, making Conner breakfast before school, talking with the kids about how they are doing while driving them to and from activities. All of these things can sometimes seem rather ordinary and uneventful, but I'm learning that these really are the things that are going to be remembered and make a lasting impact in the long run. I am so grateful for little reminders that God puts in my path to refocus me on what really matters.