Thursday, April 28, 2011

Happy Birthday, McKenzie!

McKenzie had a wonderful 14th birthday today - thanks to all the love she was shown by her family and friends! Her friends surprised her with a shopping trip after school yesterday. Today she had a cinnamon roll for breakfast and had her lunch made for her with a note and confetti inside :). Her friends sang to her at lunch, and tons of friends wished her a happy birthday on Facebook - she was very excited. Gram took her shopping for an outfit, and then we went out to the Spaghetti Factory for dinner. Conner made it home from his golf match at 8:00, so then McKenzie got to open our present, and we enjoyed some delicious cake that Kelsey made for her. Kelsey also wrote her a song for her birthday and played it on the piano :) It was really cute. It's hard to believe that we have two 14 year olds in our house now!

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Amazing Family Weekend - Tribute to My Gramp

Easter was the last holiday that we celebrated with Gramp. It's hard to believe that two years of holidays have passed since we were all together, but his spirit definitely continues to live on. Because of his incredible generosity and his sacrificial living during his life, we continue to get to spend amazing times vacationing together as a family. Mom and Dad have been so generous in sharing what Gramp passed on to them, as they rented 3 beach houses for our entire family to be together. I couldn't help but smile and feel his presence this weekend. Up until Thursday, the weather had basically been horrible for 1 1/2 months! I don't think it was a coincidence that the weather was amazing for Thursday, Friday, and Saturday while 36 of us gathered together to celebrate Easter weekend together. The weather turned back to rain as we left the beach today....I think Gramp had a hand in that :). I'm sure he was smiling up in heaven and laughing hysterically as he watched the "Rosson/Coussens Beach Volleyball Championship," as he watched the kids play football and jump the waves together. He smiled as we decorated Easter eggs at the park in the bright sunshine, decorated cookies, and played lots of games together. I'm sure he smiled when he saw McKenzie sit with Elie and look at the rocks, when Jack kept begging to be with his cousins, and when the kids stayed up and talked together until 2:00 in the morning. I'm sure his heart was warmed as he saw Sara and Kelsey walk arm in arm together. I'm sure he smiled when Peter left the volleyball game early to grill up dinner for the entire family and when he saw Dad being the personal golf assistant for Peter, Conner, and Michael. I'm sure his heart was moved when he heard McKenzie get in the car to leave and say, "We have the BEST family. We are the luckiest family - I LOVED this trip." I'm sure he was smiling when he saw his daughter make every single grandchild feel incredibly special, when he saw her be a peacemaker during the conflicts that come as expected when so many people get together, and for making this weekend possible. I hope he wasn't laughing, though, when he saw the bird poop on me during my walk. There are many, many pictures on this post, but each picture reminds me of how very special family is and how the spirits of those we love live on.....