Thursday, March 26, 2009

More Fun at the Beach!

We decided to do a one night getaway to Cannon Beach for a little family time! We had lots of fun together. The kids really enjoyed writing with rocks in the sand. We also played jump rope with a huge piece of seaweed, jumped on the hotel beds, watched a couple of movies, and went to my favorite bakery. It was great to have the Guses, Hearings, Katie, Meg and Jack join us for part of the day on Thursday.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Spring Break Swimming

Each of the kids brought a friend with them today to go swimming at the Southwest Community Center. This is one of our favorite places to swim because they have two big pools with a 20-30 foot-high water slide, fountains, rope swing, basketball hoop, etc. The kids had a lot of fun, and I spent time getting to know McKenzie's new friend's mom (who just moved here from New Jersey). After swimming we all came back to our house for cookie baking and hangout time. Everyone was given fresh-from-the-oven peanut butter/chocolate chip/Reese's cookies to take home :)

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Coffee Shop Visit

We had a very nice, relaxing family day together. We started off at Barnes and Noble where the kids each got to choose a book that they want to read during spring vacation. Then we headed over to the Ladybug Coffee Company in St. Johns for delicious coffee, biscuits, and a cinnamon roll. The kids read their books for about an hour while Peter and I hung out. We decided we need to come back soon because their Sunday brunch looks delicious!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Kelsey finished her first basketball season this weekend. She learned so much about basketball and had a great time with her friends. Her coach had the team volunteer at the Oregon Food Bank to celebrate the end of the season. The girls worked very hard putting 5,600 pounds of potatoes into 10-pound bags. We all looked very attractive in our hair nets.

Monday, March 2, 2009

We have our new floors installed thanks to our friends' hard work. Friday night we had 10 people helping with the prep work of taking off molding, ripping out carpet, scraping the linoleum, etc. The kids even helped pull up staples and move boxes. Saturday morning we started off with a big breakfast of eggs, sausage, fruit, pastries, coffee, etc. so that our workers would have plenty of energy for the day. We continued to feed them throughout the day so that they didn't dare leave. I even baked our friend's favorite cookies so that the smell of the house would keep him happy :) We would have finished at 10:00 on Saturday night, but we were 4 boards short.... We took an early morning trip to IKEA on Sunday morning to buy 1 more box. I think Peter planned it that way so that he could buy an IKEA cinnamon roll (he loves them). We feel so blessed to have such amazing friends who would give up 18 hours of their weekend to help us!