Monday, October 18, 2010

A New Cookie

It's been a long time since I've baked a new cookie recipe. Tonight I decided to try one from a baking blog that I had read recently. They looked and sounded delicious, so I thought I'd give them a try. The cookies are called Rolo Stuffed Chocolate Chip cookies, and they are delicious!! They are a little bit time consuming (you have to freeze the Rolos for at least 2 hours, unwrap all of them, and then put them inside the ball of cookie dough, freeze them for 20 minutes, and then finally bake them)! Kelsey was a great help, like always. I added pecans to some of them, as the recipe compares them to turtle chocolates (which is one of my favorite candies at See's :). They're definitely worth the effort!


Amy Guse said...

YUM!! Please bring them to mom and dad's on Halloween!!

Denise Siems said...

wow - those look fab! gooey and chewy!

Kate Harpster said...

Hey Trish do you still have that extra Kitchenaid mixer you were willing to sell me???