Tuesday, December 23, 2008

More Games!

We weren't able to drive anywhere again today, so we decided to play some more games. McKenzie and I played a new game that we checked out from Piccolo Mondo. Kelsey and her friend played Life while we played Earthopoly. Later this afternoon I spent quite awhile shoveling the ice and snow off of our driveway. A neighbor girl told me that I should try using an ice pick rather than a snow shovel. I took her advice (I never would have thought of that and would still be out there if it weren't for her....), and the job went much quicker. She and her brother helped me for about an hour. They said "I love our neighborhood. We're like family because we help each other." I gave them a gift certificate for 2-dozen cookies. They are the family who frequently asks if we have any cookies. It only took Peter 1 1/2 hours to get home tonight (unlike the 4 hours it took him to get to work today)! We had a yummy teriyaki chicken and rice dinner with broccoli - Conner almost completely covers his broccoli with cheese, so that he can barely taste the broccoli. We watched "Martian Child" (good movie) and are finishing up the night watching the Blazers beat Denver (hopefully...).

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