Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Something I'm Learning...

I love learning new things. One of the most recent things I've been learning about is the positive effect gratitude has on our bodies. I attended a training through my job a couple of months ago that was so eye-opening to me. Scientists can actually see through brain scans how to stop the stress hormone (cortisol) from being released into our system right in the midst of a stressful situation. The two easiest ways to shut this off when we feel that "fight or flight" feeling, is to breathe deeply from the bottom of our lungs or to think of a few things a person likes or is grateful for! Isn't that easy? It only takes 3 deep breaths to slow down the cortisol that can run through our bodies when we feel anxious or worried. I thought I was attending this training so that I could help the families I work with as they are in some very stressful situations raising children with special needs, living in poverty, etc. I was pretty excited to discover how this training could help me in my own life, as I have struggled with my own anxiety. I cannot tell you how much these two simple ideas of breathing deeply and noticing simple things I like or am grateful for have helped me. It is something that I can do anywhere - at my desk, during a meeting, before I give a presentation, when I'm feeling frustrated with the kids, to start out my day, while driving, while falling asleep, etc....When I spotted this journal at Barnes and Noble a couple weeks ago, I just had to get it. I have always loved journals, and I hadn't seen one like this. It is a 5-year journal where you can write one thing that you are grateful for each day. I have really enjoyed taking time to reflect on what I have enjoyed about the day and notice a difference in how I feel when I spend my time thinking about things for which I'm grateful, rather than thinking about my worries and anxieties. So if you ever feel stressed or anxious, you may want to try to notice things around you that you like or are grateful for - it can be as simple as the color of your walls, the coffee you are drinking, or the picture on your wall. Or just take a few deep breaths. That's my in-depth science lesson for the summer.... :)

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