Saturday, December 19, 2009

Cookie Exchange 2009

Today we had our annual cookie exchange at our house - we had so much fun! It was great to have everyone over. Everyone brought lots of snacks and cookies, and then we baked 3 different kinds of cookies. We ended up with 31 plates!! Maggie helped unwrap the Hershey kisses, Alex helped roll peanut butter balls, and the rest of the kids were the taste testers :) Mary made her famous lemon cookies and peanut butter rice krispie treats. Katie made some delicious chocolate peppermint cookies. Amy found an adorable M & M Christmas tree recipe. Mom was generous and brought 4 different kinds of cookies. My cookies turned out pretty flat - good thing I'm not in the business anymore! Aunt Mary came, even though she just had some surgery yesterday! Annie kept us laughing with her funny stories. Seven out of 9 of us wore vests.... :) With all of the busy-ness that can sometimes go along with Christmas, it was so nice to stop and really take time to enjoy being together. I feel so incredibly fortunate to have such a great family.


Amy Guse said...

Love your camera!!! Your pictures are incredible. I had a fun time today. Good job hosting : )

Unknown said...

We are a pretty awesome family aren't we.