Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Why it's important to make sure toilet handles don't get stuck...

After getting home from Sunriver, I did all the laundry and had a huge mound of laundry at the foot of our bed. I was too tired to fold it, but I wanted the pile to not be quite as big in the morning so I decided to just fold the towels and put them away. The mound reduced quite a bit, and we went to bed. At 12:30 a.m. the kids were just heading up to bed when they heard dripping in the kitchen. They found that water was leaking through the light fixture in the kitchen. They ran upstairs to tell us that water was leaking. Peter jumped out of bed, and I laid there for a few seconds trying to figure out what was going on....Peter then discovered that the toilet handle was stuck in the down position, and water had been pouring out of the toilet. It flooded the bathroom, into part of the hall, down through the kitchen light, cracked a piece of the dining room ceiling, flooded the floor in the dining room, etc...Remember all those towels I folded? Well, that was one of God's ways of helping us out that night. Instead of trying to find all the towels while we were half asleep, the towels were all ready to go to soak up all the water. We used every towel we owned, and used cups to scoop water out of the bathroom into the tub. I e-mailed our awesome insurance agent (my brother) after we cleaned up and asked if he could call us in the morning. We then went back to sleep, only to find out the next morning, the clean up was just beginning. I didn't realize how much damage a leaky toilet can make in such a short amount of time! My brother called us first thing in the morning, gave us the phone numbers we needed to file our claim and to start the clean up process. The restoration company (Kennedy Restoration) was out to our house within a few hours, and they have been amazingly helpful. Everything is drying out now. They had to set up a dehumidifier which pumps out 90 degree heat - hot! Given all the dust and heat, we had to get out of the house. Our insurance company paid for a hotel for us for the past two nights. Tonight we are able to open up the windows, so it is much cooler in here now. I think we will have a busy few weeks ahead of us with having walls replaced, ceilings redone, a new bathroom put in. When I start to feel a little grumpy, God reminds me of all of the good things in the situation: we have a house, we have insurance, we had a place to stay when our home was in what we consider to be unlivable circumstances (I sure couldn't make it in a third world country!), we have toilets to go to the bathroom in - I know, that's a little much, but it's true!, I am on vacation right now so I'm home to take care of everything, we are in the midst of an adventure, and our bathroom could use an update :).

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