Sunday, May 13, 2012

Happy Mother's Day, Mom!


Here are only a few reasons why I love you....

1. Your heart is full of love for so many people.
2. You are kind.
3. You make "little things" a celebration.
4. You make family gatherings special.
5. You always know what to say during hard times.
6. You are always there for me.
7. You plan the best family getaways.
8. You create wonderful memories for our family.
9. You listen.
10. You love Dad.
11. You take care of people.
12. You always support the kids with their fundraisers.
13. You like to golf with Conner.
14. You hire McKenzie to "help" you with a job when she needs to earn some money.
15. You take Kelsey out for special time.
16. You cry when you hear good news.
17. You volunteer your time at Head Start.
18. You are generous with your money, heart, and time.
19. You are never too busy.
20. You love, and then you love, and then you love some more.

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