Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Homecoming Part 2

I'm finally taking a minute to post McKenzie's pictures from homecoming. McKenzie's friend, Evan, asked her to homecoming by writing her a poem and putting it in her locker. Here is the poem he wrote which I think is really cute....

Hey, McKenzie, I thought I'd write this note, to ask you a question that I've been keeping in my throat. I think you're pretty and I really like your style. I hope that when you're reading this you crack a little smile. I thought about whom to ask for a little while, but you're the only one, there is no denial. You're the best girl in the whole school, and your personality is really cool. So McKenzie I hope you say yes by chance when I ask, "Can I take you to the dance?" Sincerely, Evan.

She said the actual homecoming event was a little boring, but she really liked all of the events before and after the party. She and her friends got manicures and pedicures in the afternoon, got ready at her friend's house, and then they all went over to one of the boy's houses for pictures and dinner. Afterwards the girls had a sleepover to finish the evening. I can't believe how fast the kids are growing up!!

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