Sunday, June 19, 2011

Honoring Two Incredible Dads

Happy Father's Day, Peter! Our kids are so blessed to have you as their dad. Thank you for all that you do to provide for our family....for working hard, for being so wise with our money, for sacrificing for the kids to go to Westside, for being so trustworthy, for your unending patience, for taking out the garbage, for always helping around the house, for making a joke when things get a little tense, for loving each of the kids in their own special way, for knowing how to help them with their math homework, and for all the little things you do every day that make the kids feel special. We love you so much!

I am incredibly fortunate for having been raised by amazing parents. My dad is someone who I have always loved and respected and continue to gain more and more respect for him the older I get. My dad has taught me many things in life just by living his own life. He was never one to lecture or "make his point." But he taught me what is important (and still teaches me) by just being who he is. My dad taught me the importance of taking care of family, the value of sacrificing one's own wants to provide for others, and the value of hard work. My dad continues to inspire me as he works hard, loves my mom, and loves his grandchildren. One of my favorite things to do on a weekend morning is to have breakfast with my dad, and yesterday was one of our best breakfasts yet :) Happy Father's Day, Dad - you are an inspiration to me!!

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