Sunday, October 4, 2009

We Did It!

After finishing the Helvetia Half Marathon in June, I had a crazy idea that it would be fun to walk the Portland Marathon. Well, today was the big day. Yesterday I started getting very nervous and was really questioning my ability to walk 26.2 miles! I've been having some problems with my hip which I thought might prevent me from being able to do it. During church last night, I was praying about whether I could really walk a marathon. God then gave me the greatest sense of peace and reminded me of the scripture that says "I can do everything through Him who gives me strength." He reminded me that I wasn't going to walk the marathon alone - He was going to be right there with me giving me all the strength that I needed. I then had the most incredible sense of peace and became very excited about walking today. The first 10 miles were a breeze, and the last 16 miles were not! The hardest part was miles 20-26. It was an amazing experience, and I'm grateful to my friend Michelle who walked with me. Peter and the kids were there to greet us at the finish line - it was so great to see them. Peter and a friend are now talking about walking it next year. Tonight I'm very, very sore and am hoping that I will be able to walk in the morning :)

1 comment:

Kate Harpster said...

Congrats Trish!!! I had NO idea you took on this crazy endeavor!! I am so proud of you, it is a TRUE accomplishment. We miss you guys and hope we can see you soon!