Saturday, October 31, 2009

Not Quite the Halloween we Planned For....

We woke up this morning excited for Halloween trick or treating, playing three soccer games, and getting to see everyone over at Mom and Dad's house. Well, sometimes life doesn't quite go as planned. Instead, Kelsey caught a fever and is throwing up, we had to get our hot water heater repaired today for $763, and our car had to get repaired today for $1,000. I am thankful that God has really been helping me over the past couple of weeks to put things like these into perspective. As my grandpa is dying of cancer, God is showing me on a daily basis what is most important: love for family and friends, being there for other people, and my relationship with Him. He gently reminds me that we are very blessed to even have a house and a car that we can repair and that we have the money to fix them. So instead of trick or treating today, we are home taking care of Kelsey to make sure that she doesn't get dehydrated and thinking about how blessed we really are.


Amy Guse said...

I am so sad!! Poor Kelsey :( She does NOT look so hot in that picture. I hope it is short lived. It is amazing how good she looked in the pictures you took last night compared to this morning. So sorry about the extra expenses too :(

Unknown said...

Sara missed Kelsey soooo much. We hope she feels better soon!

Kate Harpster said...

your words as usual are so heartfelt and beautiful...we missed you guys so much last night, and jack kept asking "where's tricia?" We can't wait to get together again soon! Please give Kels a big hug from us!