Whenever I feel a bit restless, easily irritated, or worries have crept in, I know I haven't been spending enough time with God. It's time to get everything back in focus, priorities straight, and my mind and heart back to knowing what's important. So off to the beach I go for some fresh air!
Working full time has been challenging. I thought it would get easier, but it has been getting harder. It seems like there is not enough time, or I don't have the energy to do all the things that I need to do to take care of a family. I am also a person who needs down time, no talking, silence....which can be hard to come by these days :) I do LOVE being a wife, mom, daughter, sister, friend, employee, etc., but I'm better at all of these roles when I'm close to God.
Praying all the way to the beach (rather than listening to the radio like I usually do), walking a few miles on the beach (soaking in all of the amazing beauty), and reading my Bible (in the lobby of the Stephanie Inn :) gives me time to be with God and reminds me of how great He is and how much I need Him. I had fun using our new camera to capture some of what I saw. One of my favorite things about the beach is the little archway in Haystack Rock. It reminds me of how I think about my little getaways to the beach to be with God. It is a safe little place in a big world where I just get to talk with Him, journal about things, and read about Him.
Time to take Kelsey to get a cupcake at Bliss. Kelsey loves triple fudge cupcakes as much as I love my time away at the beach!