I always remember the night before school started - I remember not being able to sleep very well as I was nervous and excited for school. So I loved being with the kids last night as I put them to bed. It is one of my favorite times of the day because the kids open us and talk about how they're doing and what's going on with their friends. Kelsey headed up for bed at 8:00. She looked tired, so I thought she would fall asleep quickly. She told me that she felt like she was going to "barf" because she was feeling nervous. We talked and prayed about her new school. It will be a big change for her, leaving a school that gave her so much confidence. After I left her room, McKenzie asked if I could paint her nails and braid her hair. While I was doing this, I was thinking about how great it is that she still needs me. Sometimes I want her to grow up, but then other times I want her to stay young. Later, I went into her room and laid on the bed with her. She was busy IM'ing her friends, and I thought I would read my book. We ended up talking about all the messages she was getting from her friends, and I smiled as the girls texted back and forth about what everyone was going to be wearing the first day of school. I'm so glad that I spent that time with her. At 9:00, both Conner and McKenzie went to bed, and Kelsey came out of her room because she couldn't get to sleep. The kids all wanted to sleep in McKenzie's room together, as they did all summer. Kelsey got in her sleeping bag and laid on the floor next to Conner, holding his hand - being with her big brother and sister seemed to be exactly what she needed. I'm looking forward to hearing all about the first day!